by John Galt » Wed Jun 27, 2018 10:53 am
I want there to be a strong, principled party to the left of the republicans. i want there to be a strong, principled party to the right of the democrats
at this point the GOP is lost in the wilderness. their captain is wrecking the ship and the people on the boat are so scared they actually believe him when he says "believe me, we're not sinking". it's willful ignorance, and the party is falling apart. when people point out that the emperor has no clothes, most say of course he is clothed, but at some point there will be a reckoning and the party will split
the answer to this isn't to go off into the wilderness yourself. the answer is being a strong principled party with a few strong goals. not 50 goals. keep it f**k simple, these are democratic voters you're trying to court, remember? i'll give you a hint what it should be
charles krauthammer and superman have a lot in common, now that both are dead and they both used to be paraplegic. so now that we've established that krauthammer is basically superman we should remember what he said a year ago. a year ago he said that within 7 years the US will be single payer healthcare. why? because republicans have given up ground on obamacare and they can't even replace it with majorities. what's left is worse than before and there will be changes here. the superkraut said that the only options are severe on either side (complete abandonment of medicare and government intervention in health, or single-payer). but even though this guy was literally superman, i don't know that i can agree it is a for sure thing. in fact, i think the future looks dim about it because democrats are basically kids striking out at t-ball
so what ya'll gotta do? you gotta make a clear stance that you want to fix healthcare. talk about the german system (universal multi-payer) with its multi-layers of both public funds and private insurance, the japanese system (30% on the patient (who can buy insurance), 70% on the government) which is mainly hallmarked by government regulation of medical procedures so the cost isn't wild, the canadian system (universal single payer that contracts with private entities) which is about as palatable as single payer could get for america, or the socialist system (north korea, uk, etc, and their single payer with government doctors)
it's clear that medical costs need to be contained somehow. this is the issue. you can be as socialist as you want, it'll be tempered, whatever comes out of it. I don't forsee a scandisocialist system. i do see a canadian or, more likely, a german system with expanded coverage so basic medical care is not an issue of cost for any americans, but chemo or something might cost you something, which you can get insurance for. but it needs to be a clear call to provide new services like that that impact everyone
but then we have the Canadian over there saying the best course of action is to throw shit on people. yeah. that'll show em all
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.