Let's face it. NATO needs America, but America doesn't need NATO. Geographically, we're safe from an invasion. On the North is a weak Canada led by a even weaker Trudeau. You can pick on Canada all day long and they're not going Trudeau anything about it. On the South is a bankrupted Mexico who can't even cough up the money for the wall they promised. To the West is Hawaii and to the East are the NATO countries who never helps the US anyways.
NATO doesn't spend money on their military and they fight among themselves. Historically our NATO "allies" never helped us, but we help them all the time. The only other country who put in the same sacrifice as America is Russia. When we were attacked in Pearl Harbor, our NATO "allies" didn't come to help. But when they were attacked by Nazi's we went over to help them. The only countries who put up a fight were the US and Russia. France was too busy surrendering. Britain cheered when Pearl Harbor happened. Germany was attacking us. Only Russia was fighting by our side.
Even in the Cold War when Russia was our enemy, they were not our enemy. We competed to get to the moon, which by the way we won, and lay the path for Space Force. And we competed to get better Athletes. We never fought them.
How do you think the next few weeks would pan out as President Trump wraps up his visit to our "allies" and start his visit to our true ally?