by John Galt » Mon Aug 27, 2018 10:28 am
Vatican III should
1. Allow priests to marry. This will remove blackmail against priests who break their celibacy vows. Plus, does anyone think a mother of children would stand aside when children are being abused? No. She would know about things happening.
2. Open dialogue with the Orthodox church about reunification. The Filoque clause of course would need to go with the Eastern Church but more importantly, the hierarchy of the western church would be dismantled. The Eastern Church believes in the primacy of Rome, but it is first among equals, not what the Western Church has created. This is a very tough sell because well, how ingrained the hierarchy is. But the hierarchy has failed, facilitating this behavior
3. Open up the books for secular authorities to investigate. Full disclosure of complaints and what the church has found. In exchange for such information, secular authorities should not seek to bankrupt the church but rather to imprison those responsible. I think there would have to be more about truth and reconciliation though than punishment at this point
4. An international reporting agency that itself is charged with taking in complaints and giving them to secular authorities, which also allows secular authorities to have oversight
5. Possibly allow women as priests. This itself would also, I think, see diminished abuse, along with allowing priests to marry, because women are rarely sexual abusers they just emotionally abuse people. this is a tough sell because of church thought on the subject, which stems from how people used to think humans reproduced: women were the vessel which carried babies, but men basically held inside of them both men and women which they implanted. thus, women did not have both men and women inside of them and so for some theological reasons which i barely remember from my theology classes, the idea of men priests, together with the fact that jesus only had male disciples, took hold
6. After all is said and done, Francis resigns, sacrificing himself for the good of his church. Or maybe he does it first, to take the blame, so the new pope is then put in to reform these things. Francis has built up a lot of goodwill with his progressiveness which is being squandered here, so he needs to use it on these aspects. but he can't be silent on accusations
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.
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