at the risk of temporarily derailing, i remember reading the bible and wanting to crucify people after because i was so primed by the media i was ingesting
but in all seriousness, the same people who claim violent images causes people to act out violence are the same people that are going to watch The Passion of the Christ, by and large.
they think that just because they are f**k up everyone else is to, and all they need to push the world over the edge is a trigger. but it doesn't work that way. and studies have shown that violent video games and movies do not cause violence, either priming them right away for after sustained usage. and lets be honest, if they caused violence, violence would be at an all time high, not an all time low ... l-time-low of course, you'll just dismiss that as "just your opinion, man", even though the facts show that violence is near all time low. video games can make people upset right when playing them or right after (think of throwing a controller because some f**k n00b killed you) but nothing lasting any more than any other activity like that. you can get mad if you screwed up at horseshoes or chess, too
i think in general it is anxiety over different people. an example. my neighbor. i have not met her before even though we lived on the same block for like 5 years. i was attempting a home sale for a different home, it didn't work out, and i took it off the market. anyway. she stops me when i was on the lawn washing out some containers, and asks me if i was moving out. i said no, and she was relieved. "thank god we are keeping good neighbors". this is like the second sentence she's ever said to me. she doesn't know me at all. all she knew is that i am very f**k white. she starts talking about getting "Bad neighbors". so i poked her with the fact that i only know of one bad neighbor, and he's gone. he used to beat his wife, and the cops were there all the f**k time and i'm glad he's gone, he had such a f**k temper. who was it she asked? "oh that really fat white guy that used to live there", and points near her home (wasn't her home). she then started talking about using essential oils or some shit and i excused myself. i live by mostly white neighbors, but the only people who ever gave a damn were my vietnamese neighbors, who brought me food when they saw my exwife move out and i didn't. like food for a f**k week.
there's no uptick in violence, and movies and video games aren't causing it because it's non existent. you're just scared of things that are different.
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.