by NAB » Tue Oct 09, 2018 10:43 pm
Just a little anecdote from the homestead concerning this Kavanaugh kerfuffle. My wife is about as apolitical as one can get (probably like a big chunk of this country), and she even voted for Trump in 2016 because she just didn’t “like” Hillary. Clearly, she’s regretting that now, but living in Texas it probably didn’t make much a difference either way.
This Kavanaugh thing has gotten her worked the f**k up. She was plastered to the tv for all the testimony and confirmation vote and I’ve never seen her so pissed about something involving politics. She’s achieved a level of hatred for Kavanaugh and all the GOP members of the judicial committee that I could never muster. She asked me multiple times to make sure my voter registration was up to date, which is usually the question I’m asking her.
I wonder how many other apolitical women are in a similar boat right now. Who knows if it’s really widespread, but i sense there’s something to it if my wife has gotten riled about politics all of a sudden.
November 6th will be some good theater.