It wont happen in our lifetimes so this is just idle internet speculation. But Jimmy. A country of 350M fairly violent people with a greater number of guns does not collapse quietly and in a manner permitting any family smaller than a platoon to feel safe and comfortable at night. Never mind environmental degradation. Enjoy your poisoned well water or radioactive fish. Or did you think the last government out the door would secure all nuclear weapons indefinitely mid-coup? And sure you have it all figured out and have water filtration and are big bad man with big bad guns (badder than all the others who think the same thing, naturally). But this is false bravado from a man with no combat experience or experience fighting for survival. You imagine it a fancy lark, as a teenage boy might.
Honestly with this kind of talk and all the false flag stuff and whatnot. I am just perplexed by you guys. What happened to you? Action movies? Reality tv? When did you lose touch with reality so so badly?
Its just bizarre.