by exploited » Tue Oct 30, 2018 6:04 am
We don't have runaway technological growth?
What an... interesting and oddly out of touch statement. Typical for a conservative though. It is like deliberately handicapping your own brain.
In 2004, it cost several hundred million dollars to decode a single genome. It now costs about a thousand dollars for a single machine to decode roughly 16,000 genomes.
In fifteen years, the entire planet has adopted the internet and cellphones. Machine learning did not exist. Robotics has advanced so considerably it is now disturbing hundreds of industries. Transistors have improved 20-50 billion times over from the 1990s (actually). In 2008, it took 5 years to design a new automobile. It now takes 2 years. It took fifty years for 50% of America to adopt a telephone, and five years for smartphones. And then, of course, there are photovoltaic improvements, vast battery improvements, vast and incomprehensible medical changes, etc. Gene editing. Cloning. The first successful hand transplant was in 1998. The first real successful heart transplant, the late 1980s. There are now 3500 a year. We now 3D print organs, a procedure that didn't even exist in 2000. And let's not get started on revolutions in the space industry.
"Until I am literally a brain in a vat, there is no exponential, runaway technological growth causing unprecedented social change. And emergent intelligence? Doesn't exist." -Galt the Autist
What exactly does runaway technological growth look like to you, anyways? Billion fold improvements just don't cut it huh?
Just because it doesn't look like your favourite work of fiction doesn't make you correct, Galt.