by JDHURF » Sat Dec 01, 2018 7:11 am
They being? I can't be bothered to catch up on the tldr immigration argument. No Gods. No Masters. No Countries. Period.
The nativist peckerwoods are, I think, on average more viciously racist and ignorant than afraid. Though, no doubt, they are cowards. Which is a pathetic form of fear. The smaller percent of idiots shivering in terror are individually a great many of assorted things. Degenerate genetics, woefully uneducated, mental illnesses, suffering various lingering traumas, etc. Many are likely irredeemable. The rest are in desperate need of constructive social outreach and exchange programs.
The terrorism visited upon the caravan of refugees seeking political asylum, shooting tear gas canisters at peaceful, helpless poor refugees, men, women and children, is an international disgrace. It's a crime. Israeli snipers shooting United States manufactured and sold tear gas canisters and live ammunition at the Palestinians peacefully protesting against the internationally recognized unlivable imprisonment is a crime. It's a crime when the United States border patrol and military do so too. If they can't manage to rise to elementary levels of ethical behavior, then f**k them all.