by Spider » Thu Dec 06, 2018 3:53 pm
Galt, it's not "liberal republicans" who are driving this debt. It's fallacious to say, "Well, if they're driving debt then they are liberals." It's the rank and file, nearly each and every one, moderates and wingnuts both. They don't view tax cuts as "liberal" any more than you do, even though in terms of debt accumulation, cutting revenue or boosting spending are effectively the same thing. The point is that driving deficits isn't a "liberal republican" thing at all, to say nothing of a Rockefeller Republican...who was obviously going to be more liberal on social issues than spending.
It is right-wing conservative republicans pumping up the debt, far more than any moderates ever did. You're trying to frame this as this faction of the party as opposed to this other faction or standing or whatever in order to make it fit into your worldview...but it's not the case. These votes are very nearly right down the line every time. The flaming hate monger from Alabama is voting the same as the buttoned-down Masshole.
Conservatives are beggaring this country, even as we speak. At least if they just spent the money building something or improving something...we'd actually have something instead of just pissing it away into the wind on tax cuts in the middle of an up economy that has no need of tax cuts.