I'm pissed because I would like to disengage with China, but those efforts will be set back by decades because your country f**k it up. And the reason why it f**k it up is because your President is an idiot who is going to destroy this momentum before it even fully starts. I give him full credit for at least talking about these things but unfortunately the more he talks, the more resistance he creates.
And yeah, tbh, alot of people will prefer China. China is capable of long-term strategy and they don't really care what you do so long as you give them money and shutup about their concentration camps. So in essence you've pissed off all your allies, then initiated a conflict that requires global support. Again, you are utterly incapable of understanding just how disliked the US is. You imagine that my views are uncommon, when in fact most people have been utterly sick of your leadership for twenty years, and it only continues because everyone is lazy and won't fix things until they are fully and truly broken. Nobody wants to hurt Americans or harm your country, but literally everyone thinks your government is gruesomely incompetent, and totally unfit to lead an effort of this type.
Which, if you haven't noticed America's foreign policy success over the past two decades, looks basically certain.