by exploited » Thu Jan 31, 2019 11:08 pm
As I said, a fairly standard Boomer reaction to any attempt to gain some sort of balance between entitlements and taxes, and a total lack of rationality when it comes to what should be a fairly mundane and unexciting discussion on the tax system.
"Bearing children and raising them well is the highest calling in any society." lol no. I'm sorry, but that is just mildly religious clap-trap, totally arbitrary, and in the few ways it can be rationally evaluated, irrelevant to this discussion. Citizens should not be taxed according to their calling, they should be taxed according to their income.
Now, the asswiper thing always comes up, and it is always after the other person flies off the handle.
What I find really interesting about that argument is just how offensive it really is, when you get down to the details. Think of how important these future asswipers are!
Of course, that really depends, doesn't it? One of the asswipers has kids and the other doesn't. That asswiper is never going to achieve the highest calling in society, and so the asswiper with kids deserves to keep substantially more of her income than the asswiper without kids. Sure, they do the same work, for the same pay, and wipe ass just as well. But we have to think of the future - future children*.
* excluding homosexuals, the infertile, the physically disabled, those with heritable diseases, those who end up with children of their own but fall from the peak of society after a drunk driver kills their kid, as well as the upcoming 40% of Millennials who have zero interest in having children
Last edited by
exploited on Thu Jan 31, 2019 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.