by exploited » Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:17 pm
You didn't answer my question, because expecting a black person to take responsibility for other black people is absurd. Anytime you ask a person to take on extra responsibility, on the basis of some arbitrary trait, is absurd. Nobody asks me to account for everyone with blue eyes. But for some reason you seem to think that black people need a "reckoning" about how awful it can be to be black and how awful the culture produced by a poor, violent, oppressed place can be. They don't.
Kane is wrong to associate whiteness with negative terms, and you are wrong to associate blackness - specifically, your white guy take on black culture - with negativity as well.
Everywhere in the world, lightness of skin relative to the baseline is preferable. Coincidentally, all of these places were dominated by a culture that valued whiteness.
Being judged by your skin is a daily fact of life for everyone on this planet.
It was only once the institutions of white supremacy were largely dismantled that you even became aware of this, and now you're sulking.
Get over yourself, and your skin colour. You aren't oppressed and, outside of the elite institutions you have benefited from the most, there is no anti-white movement.