Sam Harris interview with Renée DiResta:ée DiResta' bio: Rogan interview with Tim Pool Pool Wiki podcasts support a couple of things I've been observing:
- Russia, through the IRA, has been engaged in a campaign utilizing social media to sow divisions in the US through misinformation
- Russia does not necessarily care how they do it - they simply do what works (what carries over and touches millions upon millions of users in a given app)
- This started in 2015 - this was before Trump was even a candidate
- We cannot hope to control state actors that use twitter, facebook, instagram, etc - VPNs, nature of the apps, how these companies make money all operate counter to that goal
- It is conceivable that Russia may have jump started the fragmentation on the left using identity politics and intersectionality
- Russia has launched campaigns to promote conspiracy theories entirely unrelated to overt political interests such as anti-vaccers
- Russia is doing the same throughout Europe
- China has been stealing IP for a very long time using both physical actors as well as their own hackers back home (APT10)
- It's entirely conceivable that China is also engaged in manipulating social networks
- Facebook, through Cheryl Sandberg and Mark Zuckerberg, actively engaged in hiding what was happening on their platform under the guise of free speech
- Facebook has seen no real consequences
- There is no discernible standard for TOS when it comes to these companies - you can be banned arbitrarily and without recourse through no fault of your own
- There are state actors using these apps to attack our country's servicemen/women - today we learned of such an attack by an Air Force officer that defected to Iran and utilized Facebook to out her colleagues ... SKCN1Q2228I think that the current structure of the social network in the US has been monopolized by a few tech companies to such a degree that it has allowed other actors to take control. There needs to be a resurgence of healthy competition and new apps that can challenge the status quo. Legislation needs to pass that establishes clear demarcations on the TOS of these companies offer which would protect US consumers and seek to counter outside influence.
This all needs to happen now. It won't. Moreover - I'm not sure it can be corrected. They are literally tapping into the minds of people using Facebook, instagram, twitter, etc and appealing to their partisanship or their worldview and helping them reinforce patently false narratives. As ex has proffered elsewhere - we need to start educating teenagers and students about social media and how to use critical thinking skills so that they can defend themselves from this crap.
Everything else is cheese. We have the military, the intel, the capability to strike back or to send a message when an actor has gone too far. But I'm sitting here typing this and Trump is president. And the senate is trying to pass legislation, again, that would more severely punish Russia. ... SKCN1Q22J9