by exploited » Tue Apr 09, 2019 1:33 pm
"Who knew healthcare was so complicated?" -Kane
Seriously though, who gives a shit about those numbers? If policy-makers shy away from policy because people oppose paying more taxes, they aren't going to be proposing any policy at all. Might as well just walk away from the table entirely and let the GOP run things.
People instinctually oppose higher taxes - full stop. The same opinion-shifting likely applies to virtually any important policy you can talk about.
Unfortunately for Democrats, they decided to nominate Hillary Clinton in 2016. As the worst campaign organizer in modern history, as well as one of the single worst political strategists that has ever held high office in the United States, and the most innately dislikable person alive today, Clinton immediately adopted GOP talking points. This will provide tons of ammunition for the right-wing. I can already see the political messaging on the major news networks: "The Democrat's last Presidential nominee, who once famously advocated for single payer insurance, admitted the numbers don't add up, and that Americans will be worse off under that arrangement." That was utter and outright bullshit, but it will be persuasive for the low-information voters responsible for her nomination.
Basically, this is yet another example of Centrist Democrats being totally incompetent at anything to do with politicking. You are making a f**k sales pitch here - you are selling a product, and products cost money, so the goal is to use persuasion to convince the potential buyer of the value and utility of that product. Any asshole knows that buying stuff costs money - no salesmen worth their salt is ever going to say "you shouldn't buy my product because it will cost you money." No, they talk about the benefits, and typically that involves saving money over the long-term, increasing productivity to offset the costs, etc. I mean, Jesus, this is basic f**k marketing.