by Saz » Fri Sep 27, 2019 10:39 am
I think the learned gentlemen among us are aware of two things: This is pretty bad, but not gonna stick to ole TEFLON.
1. This is pretty bad. Like straight Nixon shit. Not that I'm surprised because we all know Trump would have crossed this line, but still. Leaning on Ukraine is one thing, bundling up the tapes in the white house to hide what he did is another. Trump really is a legit f**k gangster, Roy Cohen style he clearly knows how to make a threat without threatening anyone. Pretty f**k shameful to see republicans shifting and lying over this shit. I can see calling a spade a spade and the left obviously shits on trump for stupid things, but this is third world politics. You don't have to impeach him but to refuse to recognize what he did is alarming. These are the "What Camps?" people. You know what f**k camps you little sauerkraut.
2. Not gonna stick to teflon. Because as discussed above, the republicans are utterly shameless. Lindsay Graham should be taken to the steps on congress and shot for the rank hypocrisy he has polluted the chamber with. Republicans stand for nothing, have no values, have no principles and are the sort of smarmy little people who would have climbed the greasy political pole in Nazi Germany or the USSR as well. There can now be no doubt they are a cancer on this nation and must be stamped out entirely from the national political scene. Anyone who tells you about the constitutions etc etc, slap them in the face. The republicans care nothing for the constitution, for the rule of law, or for common decency, and the minute democrats take power they should take any and all measures to ensure this unpatriotic gang of thieves never comes close to the levers of power again. Trump is Trump - nothing will stick and he will not be brought in line. He literally went on a rant about spies and how we should execute them WHILE the DNI is testifying. Its hard to blame Trump anymore than blaming the fox who snuck into the chicken coop. Well played Mr. Fox. But the republicans who enable him... two bit chumps who deserve to be stabbed to death with an american flag pin on the senate floor.
Also, Biden is f**k. Someone need to have a pep talk with Warren because it's becoming clear she will have to carry the flag into battle and this is a battle that WE CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE.