by exploited » Sat Feb 01, 2020 9:12 am
A semi-presidential system would be a large improvement, wherein a President is directly elected to handle foreign affairs, while a Prime Minister forms a government, along parliamentary lines, to handle domestic affairs. AKA the French model.
Other than providing people this choice, there is no merit to presidential systems. Separation of powers is a historical failure that has never worked. Every defining feature of the system acts to increase polarization - when the legislature is ruled by one party and the executive the next, you see gridlock and a hardening of partisan positions. When the President wins, he is accountable to nobody other than the people in the next election, and will spend their time rolling back the work of the last party, no matter how bipartisan.
The list goes on.
Still, I think Galt is right that the system could be saved. Mostly by turning it into a parliamentary system while keeping the one or two aspects of presidential systems that make sense.