I think universal post-secondary is an awesome idea, but I also have a natural aversion to education, so I'm neutral on the whole thing.
It won't solve the systemic economic problems that face us, but I do believe that if a person genuinely wants to educate themselves, we as a society can benefit greatly from subsidizing it. It just really is all about sorting the wheat from the chaff, and modern post-secondary does not even try to do that, at least not for the majority of students. Elite institutions and schools with major technical fields perform this culling because they have to, but nothing is stopping ten million kids a year from throwing away thousands on a degree that provides no utilitarian benefits whatsoever. And to some degree, I think those kids would be better served by NOT being subsidized, and instead getting into the workforce and returning to the idea of post-secondary once they have a clear idea of what they want to toil at each day.
All that said, Galt is just a big cheap dink.