by exploited » Tue Mar 03, 2020 11:36 pm
You can't expect the establishment Dems, who are sitting on four decades of political favours and infrastructure, to just roll over. They played the timing right with the candidates dropping and endorsing Biden - it gave them wind at their backs. Sanders, meanwhile, has got to be just f**k furious at Warren for doing exactly what we feared she would do.
In any case, I don't think it really matters at this point. Trump has this thing on lockdown. The Democrats are now at a point where every major political leader in the party has taken an open shit on the most popular nominee, and the alternative is a walking corpse who, even packed full of amphetamines on debate night, Trump will kick around like a mangy dog. Biden in 2008 was a formidable hack, Biden in 2020 is an only-occasionally coherent mess. It's gonna be bad no matter what happens, depending on how they do Bernie.
Best case scenario, Trump gets a second term, Dems get the next Presidency (which gets pwned into oblivion by infinitely more competent Republican legislative knife fighters). Worst case, Trump gets a second term, and the Dems permanently drive away several million prospective voters. The latter is called the contested convention route.