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Chinese Coronavirus 2019-nCoV - Prepare for the Worst Now • Page 22 • Front Page News • Political Crossfire Forums

Chinese Coronavirus 2019-nCoV - Prepare for the Worst Now

Current news and it's political impact.

Re: Chinese Coronavirus 2019-nCoV - Prepare for the Worst No

Postby exploited » Fri Apr 03, 2020 11:01 am

Trump has ordered 3M to stop selling N95 masks to Canada. Good stuff.

US has also decided to divert 200,000 masks away from Germany and to the US.

At this point, I think every Western country should immediately refuse to sell medical supplies or the resources needed to make those supplies (like pulp) to the United States, to any degree, until an adult is put in charge and this kind of f**k up bullshit is stopped. In addition, all 2500 Canadian nurses working in Michigan should be immediately withdrawn and employed here. Absolutely incredible how f**k up this is. Hard to imagine behaviour worse than China, but here we are.

In fact, I think the US should be removed from any major international organization, and totally ostracized on the international stage. You have no business at the table. You're not an ally, you're a f**k snake. The only reason you have any say at all is because you're a militarized bully, and holy shit is it showing.
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Re: Chinese Coronavirus 2019-nCoV - Prepare for the Worst No

Postby exploited » Fri Apr 03, 2020 11:57 am

Whenever the US has had an emergency, we've opened our doors and helped as much as possible.

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Re: Chinese Coronavirus 2019-nCoV - Prepare for the Worst No

Postby Saz » Fri Apr 03, 2020 12:16 pm

Eh, I like the move. Real shit this stuff is a strategic priority at this point and should all be made in house. We shouldn't need canadians to take care of us and Canada shouldn't need out masks. Every man for themselves, not relying on foreigners for any of this stuff, globalisation is FRAUD, down with CCP, etc.
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Re: Chinese Coronavirus 2019-nCoV - Prepare for the Worst No

Postby exploited » Fri Apr 03, 2020 12:20 pm

When it comes to Europe, f**k Europe, they have already mostly adopted policies like this anyways. I should have known. Always remember that Europe will always sell you out at the earliest opportunity.

I do not think it is reasonable for this to happen between Canada and the US. Our economies and supply lines are really, really integrated.

For instance, every single bit of pulp that goes into any N95 mask made in North America is sourced from British Columbia. Every last bit. We could close this off to you and you would have ZERO ability to make masks. But we shouldn't and we won't, because it is shortsighted and our countries are so integrated that it makes very little sense to take these actions against one another.

Add on what I had considered to be a "special relationship," seeing as how we're neighbours and historical allies and culturally very similar, and I think all of us would be better served by working together. This is a f**k stab in the back, again. And it is 100% going to kill more Americans AND more Canadians.
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Re: Chinese Coronavirus 2019-nCoV - Prepare for the Worst No

Postby Saz » Fri Apr 03, 2020 12:47 pm

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Re: Chinese Coronavirus 2019-nCoV - Prepare for the Worst No

Postby exploited » Fri Apr 03, 2020 12:54 pm


We'll ban all pulp from being exported, and you'll be making no masks until you can grow the trees to do so. Should be up and running in five or ten years.

And we'll ban all nurses from crossing the border. You should be able to replace them within two years. That's about 4000 or so nurses that won't be available to you.

The middle of an emergency is not the time to dump critical supply lines. This act is absolutely not going to save American lives. Like most of what Trump has done, it will take them away.
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Re: Chinese Coronavirus 2019-nCoV - Prepare for the Worst No

Postby Saz » Fri Apr 03, 2020 1:31 pm

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Re: Chinese Coronavirus 2019-nCoV - Prepare for the Worst No

Postby exploited » Fri Apr 03, 2020 1:56 pm

Your position makes no sense, and is flatly contradicted by all available historical evidence. At no point during Donald Trump's term has he successfully brought any player, whether Europe or China or Canada, to heel. Every single time he tries this stuff, he fails and directly harms his own economy and country. Every single time he tries this, retaliatory measures are put into place, and kept in place, by all of these regions, including Canada. Even when a country - like China - deserves this treatment, and the international community should be rallying behind that treatment, Trump drives his allies away and makes it less likely for needed action to take place. Donald Trump is not a rational or reliable actor, anything less than a strong, equivalent response is impossible. You are reading into these actions a strategy that does not actually exist.

Further to the point, the US is in the worst possible position it could be regarding the economy and this virus. The global economy is cratered and Trump's response to this virus has guaranteed you will be the hardest hit country on the planet, by several orders of magnitude. You will be locked down for months longer than anyone else, and it is gonna be CHYNA that fills the void.

And while I certainly agree re: the strategic implications of medical supplies, that is a conversation that any rational person would push to the after-action review. Not when the bullets are flying. It is absolute idiocy to do this at this point in time. It benefits nobody - not even you - and harms everyone.

There simply is no rational justification for this. It is straight dumb. Pandemics are global in scope and need to be addressed globally, using international supply lines to craft the most effective response. "Every man for himself" in these situations is literally the stupidest thing you could ever do, which is presumably why Europeans adopted it early.
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Re: Chinese Coronavirus 2019-nCoV - Prepare for the Worst No

Postby John Galt » Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:27 pm

i didn't realize that canadians are more rabidly patriotic and hate-filled than trump supporters. holy shit, word that the administration was trying to get 3M to not export respirators to canada (which 3M said "no") and judging by the response on r/canada you think that we killed every hockey player on earth and torched every maple tree. they actually want americans to suffer and die over this
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Re: Chinese Coronavirus 2019-nCoV - Prepare for the Worst No

Postby exploited » Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:32 pm

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