by exploited » Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:50 am
Glad to hear it turned out well NAB. My Grandpa has been in and out of the hospital, and is returning today. Seems like the steroids he's on to fight recurring (non-COVID) pneumonia are doing a number on his other body systems. This looks like it may be the end of the line for him, but time will tell.
Anyways, what are you guys going to do about your treason problem?
I think, prior to the virus, you could mostly ignore the fact that 40% of your population is openly and actively hostile towards the remaining 60%. But now that the virus is here, that hostility has translated into them literally attempting to get you killed - and if they can't do that, they'll strip you of your ability to vote safely, as a punishment for engaging in democracy. The reality is that there is no way to form a functioning democratic government when these people are part of the constituency.
A state-level subnational organization that essentially shuts out the federal government when under Republican control, and coordinates action across the blue states, may be your best bet. Let the nation-state of California put it together. Elect a President. Establish an inter-state legislative body.