this is a series of catastrophes all linked together and we need to address all of them to move forward
our federal government is broken and needs constitutional reform. from changing how the president is elected (direct popular election), to how we partition senators (2*number of states, but apportioned by population, with at least one per state), to how many are in the house (cube root of population, include territories), to changes on what kind of people we need in office (all federally elected officials should have wealth put in a trust for their duration in office) we have significant changes that need to be made
our healthcare system is broken and needs to be fixed. healthcare is a societal issue. we need nationwide sickleave for all workers. we need public healthcare for all people. this is simply from an economic standpoint its cheaper to do it this way. we need significant investment in preparing for another pandemic as well.
our policing system is rife with racial problems and must be reformed. end police unions: the people should be in charge, not unions that look out for their members. all police should be under the review of elected citizen boards that will review and discipline officers for complaints. body cameras for all police, and if an incident isn't on the camera, whatever the complaint says is viewed as factual for discipline reasons, and anything that results in death without a camera on results in termination, and laws should be changed so that police who do not turn on their cameras and kill someone during an incident and that's all you have to prove are guilty of a crime that will send them to jail for decades. in exchange, pay should be higher than it is, but they must give up all forms of collective bargaining as public unions are an anathema to democracy and police unions especially so.
our environment faces a catastrophe that we can prevent if action is done. it is not too late, and we must work to stop additional damage, and eliminate existing damage.
our relations with china must move to containment, and we must be a beacon of liberty again to stand against them. we don't really look it right now (even though most all protests are unmolested) because of some terrible incidents, and our leader is more like Chairman than President, he's what weak men think strong men look like. we need to isolate china economically. we need to do this to address our own economic problems as well as the climate problems that are looming, as well as frankly the threat of another pandemic
i have to believe this is going to be the worst year of my life, but i do this because i have hope for the future. i mean, i'm having a daughter at the end of the year, and it has to be better for her. this year is awful and this needs to be fixed
i'll admit, bernie would be the best choice to address these problems. that's not going to happen. But there is hope with biden, especially if the enablers in the congress are voted out along with trump. i hope biden picks warren as his VP. reactionaries have moved us backwards, and so we need big changes