I will absolutely call out White Lives Matter for protesting white deaths at the hands of police but now white deaths at the hands of whites. Can you give me their email address so I can drop them a note with my complaint?
I'm not an attorney.
Interesting you raise black people testifying against other black people. Some thoughts on that. https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/08/ ... ering-off/
I know, I know, National Review isn't my favorite either. But Latzer is a legit and well-respected person. Atlantic has run some good pieces with him and Frum discussing topical issues.
Maybe I'm missing the obvious, or maybe The Revolution (sponsored by Ben and Jerry's, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, GE, NBA, NFL, NHL, BP, Exxon, etc.) is a bit of an example of groupthink? Hard to say for sure.
I agree the police should be held to a higher bar. And they are. That's why four police officers are being charged because George Floyd had a heard attack while resisting arrest. I still think they'll probably get off btw.
The point to these facts is that SCBLM is full of shit and hypocritical. There are more dead black people from these protests than there are from the incident itself. Outrage meter for those black lives? Somewhere between 0% and .00001%. Those black lives don't matter.