Hah, when did Dylan become a stay-at-home-mom overdosing on right-wing memes from Conservatives Are True Americans Facebook groups?
Not all ideas are worth listening to, it's as simple as that. I'm not going to entertain some nut that has to resort to conspiracy theories and racism to try and make a point. If you want to call that "cancel culture" then by all means, include me in that list.
People like Milo Yiannopolous, Alex Jones, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, and others of that ilk that do nothing but spew vitriol don't deserve to be heard. If protesting at a campus for a day gets their event cancelled, so much the better. It is not about shutting down the exchange of ideals so much as it is telling people that can do nothing but shout hatred that they have no place in modern society. Used to be a lot easier to do back in the day. If they cannot exchange thoughts and have a discussion about things like an adult, to hell with them. Its the check that is needed in a society of "free speech" where people don't know that they don't have a right to a platform every time they want it and definitely don't have the right to have freedom of consequences for the stupid shit they say.
And the thing is, we don't even have to go back that far in history to see WHY letting unfettered hatred go unchecked is a bad thing for everyone.
People are getting absolutely fed up with the constant hatred that comes from the right from nearly all sources, including the POTUS. Violence begets violence. Hatred begets Hatred. You keep poking the bear, the bear is going to finally have enough of it and fight back. What we are seeing now is people fighting back, and its about damn time.
Now, that pendulum may swing too far to the left on the next tick as a result, but that is an issue to deal with when that starts actually happening.