by Kane » Tue Jul 28, 2020 4:04 pm
Yep. And an appreciating Euro does bring its own headaches for the EU but it's a sign of demand. People want stability and they want a return.
The USD at least in the short term is expected to continue to weaken. Without the GOP agreeing on some massive stimulus we are being set up for a very slow recovery and I suspect a new bottom will reveal itself if negotiations do not offer a hell of a lot more for US states and US consumers.
It should be absolutely infuriating to all US citizens that when it comes to liability and perseverance the GOP is ok with bankrolling large MNCs but when it comes to extending unemployment benefits or even doing 80 - 90% of original wages that's "a bridge too far." Because of debt and deficits. It's utterly fascinating how the debt and deficit only matter once it's an issue that involves individuals vs. corporations.
If the GOP can't get its shit together and decides to let it burn they will get rolled this fall and hard. This is going to be a deeper recession than '08/'09. You have the official unemployment rate and then those on PUA - there are 33 million unemployed Americans right now. THAT IS MASSIVE. And the GOPs response? You're getting too much money and you should find a job.
Holy f**k shit the Dems should be having a party right now. Instead they're kinda just sitting back and watching. Just f**k shaking my head here every goddamn day.