Another win for the republicans. What on earth is an 80 yr old 5 time cancer survivor doing on the court? Complete own goal, she should have retired in 2012. Great work but legacy is ruined, this will be a huge tipping point and it all could have been avoided if, instead of living in a fantasy where Hilary replaced her, she focused more on the cause and not on her own role on the court.
Democrats need to stop worshiping people who are setting them back. McConnell would have never let this happen. Breyer is 82, get his ass off the court. McConnell will appoint a new justice in the lame duck and if he does the court must be packed. No questions. It’s becoming clear Democrats are a false opposition and in fact are no real opposition at all. I want a justice who will vote with the left and who will retire or die under a democratic president, those are the best justices! She did so much for women and now has handed the seat to McConnell and the right, because she was arrogant enough to assume Hilary would win. She put her passions before the cause on the single most important issue before her while on the court, and now we have lost a seat to the right for a generation. Live long enough to see yourself become a villain. Kudos RBG, like the rest of the Democrats you got so gassed up with your causes you forgot you need to maintain power in order to do anything about them. There won’t be another RBG because it will be a 6-3 court, any leftists or women will be a token opposition. Fitting for any justice appointed by the Democrats I guess.