I'm in the CA Bay Area and....we have offices with severely reduced staffing that's affecting operations due to a massive and sudden uptick in positive cases (This has literally developed just over the past week). They just sent out emails directing all employees to submit vaccination status - if you opt out/decline to state or say you're unvaccinated you get to provide HR with recurring updates. If you're vaccinated then they stop bothering you. I haven't heard widespread adoption of this elsewhere yet...but I have heard that several other businesses are seeing this as well in the bay.
I give it until the end of next week before we start to see large corps start to require vaccination in order to work. This graph is about to increase in steepness and it will likely tilt severely in red states - we're going to see a full on 90 degree line. Good luck GQP - you have finally reaped what you sown. If the friggin CA Bay Area is experiencing this with a 70%+ vaccination rate I can only assume it's far far worse elsewhere.