by The Comrade » Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:46 pm
what i'm seeing from the wholesale acceptance of the russian modernization propaganda lie that has been going around since 2008. the russian army f**k sucks and ive been saying this, on this very website, since georgia, since crimea, since syria. and now your'e all seeing, first hand, what myself and others have stated about the russian military for years. just look into the t-14 debacle. the tank doesn't even exist. millions, possibly billions, spent on some tank treads and "Armor" that will be delivered "soon". it was all skimmed into bank accounts. now extrapolate that to the rest of the army and it shouldn't be surprising why t-80s are running out of fuel and VDV are getting blown out of the sky by the hundreds. they lost one of their "6th gen" fighters to a crash for christs sake.