I'm beginning to think Ukraine was indeed somewhat of a sideshow...did we just deliver Iran and Saudi Arabia to China/Russia?
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ru ... ar-AAV2YeYThe way I'm reading this article...a lot of this makes more sense if the goal was to capitalize on our turn away from MBS and his dictatorial...tendencies while also complicating current negotiations with Iran. With the invasion of Ukraine putin has secured a lot of land and a lot of farm land to be exact:
https://ipad.fas.usda.gov/rssiws/al/cro ... _wheat.jpgPerhaps we should look to this map to see exactly where his forces will stop? Kyiv will be symbolic but all of Eastern Ukraine is surely going to fall under the Russian umbrella. Yes Russia sucked and yes it wasn't as easy as they had hoped buuuuuut now we also know why they may have been holding back on use their air force too. They're preserving it. Maybe the long game is decoupling from the west and pursuing modernization/growth with trade between China/axis powers (China, Venezuela, DPRK, Middle East, etc).
With Iran frustrated with US sanctions and their own desire to pursue nuclear weapons and with Saudi Arabia desiring more military support to wage the civil war in Yemen and elsewhere we have two large oil producing nations aligning more with China/Russia than the US. And now Russia is securing valuable farm land...and China is potentially looking to support Russia through this new period of international ostracization. So now...while we depend on China for a metric shit ton of manufacturing they are positioning themselves to become self sustaining with a steady supply of commodities to ensure success with their bid to take Taiwan..................
This was the game all along. Everything now hinges on India.