by Boris Johnson » Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:30 pm
Switzerland does ok.
There are ways of keeping your populace armed and able to fend of burgerlers, potential tyrannies and occasionally killing wildlife for fun which, shock! Do involve licensing much stricter than the U.S. But do manage to get all the things you want out of it without quite the level of unhinged nutcases going on rampages that seems to be bad of late. I'm not suggesting the U.K, it went too far after Dunblane, creating a situation where you can only be armed in a city if your in a gang or the police. Fun consequences in part emerge from this like civil society occasionally loosing control of areas. Happened a bit last summer.
Some link between license ownership and some minimal psychiatric evaluation seems reasonable to me. If John. Q. Caesar president-king decides to start abusing it and makes libertarianism a mental illness, that's the cue to launch the armed insurrection. So really, 2nd amendment issues can be overcome somewhat.
In the founding fathers time people undergoing psychotic episodes could at best do what, carry about a couple of pistols and a cutlass. Where it a few semi-auto weapons and they had some grasp of mental health perhaps they would have written a different law.