by Dennis » Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:23 am
I think a lot of it depends on capability and comfort-level. Humans have been used to centralization for a long time now and jumping full-on right into decentralization would be too much of a shock to the system. New Orleans and Haiti are a case-in-point, when society recently collapsed there and all-out decentralization took place. Everything went to hell (rapes, pillaging, killing, etc). Baby-steps are important. Evolution is the key.
Regarding capability, that could be along the lines of technology, as one method, and energy is one example. Instead of everyone being hooked to a centralized grid that can be attacked/exploited/manipulated, why not have every individual house/complex/business generate it's own energy? This is where solar/wind/bio needs to be better developed. If we had that, good luck attacking/exploiting/manipulating this on any kind of a scale. The possibility of such an attack becomes outright removed. This is actually one of the most beautiful possibilities of security and liberty co-existing simultaniously and strengthening each other, something which many people have believed is not possible, including some of our Founding Fathers.
As for legislation, the direct voting example provided earlier might be a good start, but that comes with some risks. As much as it sucks to have a republic form of control over huge swaths of people who are not able to directly choose the legislation that governs their lives, the one benefit of this is the masses can't directly abuse the minority or affect the rest of population on an emotional whim without having to go through filters. Democracies have failed in the past for a reason. Power corrupts, as we all know, whether we all have it or whether a select few have it. The answer is to remove it entirely. Like I said above though, evolution must come into play on this, or you end up with chaos. It has to become a mindset in the vast majority of people, and the vast majority of people just aren't there yet, nor will they probably be in our lifetime. The only thing that can be done about this is to make it happen one individual at a time.