What liberals like exploited just don't understand, and its been pointed out before to him, that the rich aren't starving kids. Bill Gates hasn't been proven to starve a single child, yet exploited would be totally fine with taking this mans money for no other reason than there is some kid in Uganda with no food. The kid isn't starving because of Bill Gates, so why go after Bill Gates? Why go after westerners in general when they aren't causing starvation in Africa? If anything, we export more food than all other nations combined, so we DO feed these people, but we don't feed them dollars, which is what drives the liberal mindset.
If they are starving, ship them food, not money. Oh wait, we're doing that already.
I know I'm wasting my time posting proof, but here, exploited, is some information you can use.
http://www.fas.usda.gov/excredits/fooda ... ports.html
So how much more do we need to give, again?