by Mathurin » Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:01 pm
Hate crime laws are nothing but pandering to minorities for votes.
Hate crimes are only a major issue when they are not punished at all, for instance in the pre-1950s south when the police did shoddy investigations, ignored evidence to kill a case. And even if the case came to trial the jury would refuse to convict because "it was just a *****"
Further, in such a situation it would be impossible to pass hate crime legislation in the first place.
Only more recently, when the vast majority of people have lost their stupid hatred and recognized that crime is crime no matter the victim, is it possible to enact the legislation, yet that recognition itself has made such legislation unnecessary, we already have laws that cover such crimes, and we can already consider motive through those crimes.
Hate crime laws are unimportant fluff legislation that politicians use to get minorities on their side, it may have a secondary use in the future as a way to silence opposition.