Although she is the type of girl who goes out of her way to be "different," which in reality translates into her being an incredibly boring, predictable person, with a suitably "non-comformist" taste in crappy music. Also, she is currently dating an unemployed Native who lives in his dad's basement, and doesn't work because he "wants to figure himself out." But if Enyon wants to try and scoop her up, I'd encourage it... I'd enjoy her getting a non-retarded boyfriend.
EDIT: I've had to threaten this guy a number of times too, and he won't come down to family events because I told him that I'd knock him out if I saw him anywhere near my wife. Reason being that, before he even met my wife or I, he thought it would be a funny joke to tell some of my wives friends, over Facebook, that he had sex with my wife and her sister at the same time. Which is both extremely not funny, it is also disgusting, and a very, very good reason to express my already-existing hatred for him with unprecedented physical violence.