by Spider » Sat Aug 25, 2012 7:05 pm
Highest ranking dimension: Democratic
You believe in the principles of democracy - that too much control by too few is a dangerous proposition You may have felt that what the country really needs is to open the corridors of power and let more "real people" inside. This may be because you have seen people treated unfairly, seen self interest take over people ’s judgment and wish that political leaders would lead by following the people’s wishes. It may also be because you see that the people who tend to get elected don’t represent the diversity of viewpoints and cultures that exist in the population. Others may disagree with you because they are impatient to see politicians "do something", and possibly because they are less inclined to do their own thinking about the issues. When politicians of your type make mistakes it is often because in an attempt to please everybody, they please nobody.
Second highest ranking dimension: Individualist
You believe in the right of an individual to "be themself" in thought and deeds. You may have felt that what the country really needs is a politician with the nerve to tell people when it comes to controlling others, they should mind their own business. This may be because you enjoy a diversity of experiences and don ’t get offended easily. It may also be because you’ve seen people be persecuted. Others may disagree with you because they feel a right to protect what they see as community values. When politicians of your type make mistakes it is often because they underestimate people’s need for sta bility and safety.
Combined statement:
Based on your answers, the ideal state, in your opinion, is one where people are free to be themselves.
DBILN - Cultural Libertarian
this is one of the political personality types of the PPQ
Globalist minded, economically independent, democratic social creatives.
This personality type combines these five perspectives
democrat,small state,individualist,idealist,wide focus
Likes and dislikes
•recognizing multiple pathways for action.
•competition, and facing challenges
•the idea that society needs a "paradigm shift"
•support for artistic pursuits
•expensive security measures to improve public safety?
•limiting the scope of discussion.
•overt patriotism
•worrying about being popular or fashionable.
Philosophy: Independence Democrat