Well I could be wrong on that as well, still sifting through the data and the pundits opinion. When I clocked off last night, that appeared to be the narrative floating around, about how now with X latinos here and X there, you now had to do nothing but campaign to latino's. That essentially the latino vote was split by liberalish immigration issues on the one hand and the whole conservatish 'well they do love the baby jebus and their momz' on the other. Things are of course rarely that simple. Though again when I tuned off, about 4.30 am gmt, pundits were still screaming over the west coast being in play and Ohio was still only slightly probably obama and Mittens T Mormon could still have won Florida and looked to be fine in VA.
This time, I think there will be an interesting split in the vote. Far as I can tell no one is producing data on it yet. Though this latino 'what if' machine is fun to play with.
http://www.latinovotemap.org/map/SET FAMILY VALUES TO MAXIMUM!
The question i'm really interested in however, is what percentage of total voters were latino/hispanic whatever last night.
Overall, thats the real part of the election thats grabbing my attention (followed by the gay's winning and the pots). Espeically given all that anti-immigration noise over the past few years that danced dangerously close to basically latino = bad.