Of course Mexicans don't count. Sure, they are part of the continent, but not the club. That is changing, but honestly, when I think of North America, Mexico is the last country I think about. Since I am trying to be honest about my irrational feelings here.
The thing you keep on saying is that I need to have a rational explanation for a fear of mine, a fear shared by many, many other people. Well, I don't have one.
The idea of a cop taking my blood is repugnant to me, on a very personal level. I will never, ever approve any legislation, no matter how favourable, that requires something like that.
You keep on asking for a rational reason, and I keep on telling you, there isn't one. Being poked is infinitely less painful and degrading than being processed into jail. I am not arguing that. I want marijuana to be legal, and I want the police to be able to detain people for driving high, and I realize that taking blood is probably the best way of doing so. But I ain't havin' it.