by Professor » Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:59 pm
Honestly, it's not that groundbreaking of a platform. It's what most of the country wants. Pretty much all the independents. Half the Rs and half the Ds. You take the social policy of Dems, the foreign policy of both (since they were the same this time around), the domestic policy of the Reps, and stir it all with a Libertarian spoon inside a Socialist pot (meaning that you take a few select ideas from each extreme).
Voila - a party that reflects most Americans.
And, people keep saying that a candidate like this can never get elected. Because the money comes from the extremes. I disagree (with no proof to stand on). I think that the reason that moderates of each party, or independents, give very little money is because they don't have anyone that they really believe in. Give them a candidate that is like this and they will give.
I would.