Given the level of tax dodging bastardry Starbucks is up to (having a subsidiary in Switzerland they pay ridiculous amounts of money to for their beans so they make no profit in this country amongst others in Europe and thus pay jack shit corporation tax, they actually make millions in taxable profit). I find it hard to care that much.
On topic though, if the best they can do is prevent starbucks expanding in pakistan. I'd say thats a fairly good sign of victory for le gheys on the home front.
Besides whats the game plan
AOM: Hey we are a clearly evangelical christian protestant movement from american we want to run a series of attack adds in your country.
Pakistani goverment: :/
AOM: heres some, but really that much money (as our support is waning) to try and whip up popular support against foriegn investment in your country.
Pakistani goverment: :/ as an omani, this site
really speaks to me.