The issue here, Dylan, is that you think anybody who just wants to run a business, and not be a conglomerate, is somehow "defective". Its not about religion, its about different people having a wide spectrum of different goals.
Not everyone wants to take over the world. There's this guy near here that has a sourdough bakery. He opens it only on Sundays, and makes the most f**k spectacular loaves of french bread evar. He also sells to stores and restaurants in the area. The rest of the week he volunteers at different places and takes a lot of photos and goes fishing and generally lives an extremely relaxed and enjoyable life. He isn't defective. He used to run a small chain of restaurants. He didn't like it, so now he does this. And he's happy.
But I guess that, no, he must be some sort of maniac, because he doesn't want to try to dethrone a major national brand and achieve ULTIMATE MARKET DOMINATION!!! RAAWWR!!!
Some people have different goals from others, and that's all there is to it. There can only be one king of the hill. That doesn't make everyone else "defective".