by Gremlin » Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:05 pm
Atheism may be on the rise but the same logic and arguments to denounce a magical man in the clouds is largely/almost completely ignored when the same thought is presented on state matters. The ignorant and/or irrational believe that $10 stolen by the state will produce $20 of goods/services, the educated attempts to argue the justifications to steal the same $10 ruling that human history/psychology is irrelevant to their argument, and the tyrants join the state to enforce edicts ruled by the parasite classes. All of them believing that a vote every 2-4-6 years will in any way shape or form, dictate where $100s of trillions notes will end up and direct the system in place.
Many atheist adopt the principles and the same train of thought expressed by religious people and apply it to the state. They believe a system that is directing smart bombs to a declared enemy would have any sort of moral hurdle to not consistently commit election fraud at a wholesale level. A form of government that openly legalizes its own crimes would never steal or kill its own constituency. Would never coerce media outlets to be its PR arm, and more. Even after all legitimacy is melted away from the state, and they in a nutshell, fall back on the belief that man does not have any natural predators.
I apply the term "Statheist" to these people. For the most part, Statheist believe that lies, theft, and murder are bad, except when the almighty and powerful state does it. This is because they believe that we need the state to lie, steal, and murder to prevent, lying, stealing, murder.
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