No, and here's why:
I don't believe in type of fixed or inherent human nature. Therefore I do not believe there is a base human nature to alter.
Human are extremely adaptable. If you have an ill-designed system they will adapt to it and that is what you see when you look around now. What we call social dysfunction is actually attempted adaptive behavior (not always successful). In a superior system the adaptive behavior will not manifest as negative behavior. Negative behavior would be detrimental. In our current system negative behavior has many benefits and that is why you see so much negative behavior. The benefit given by the negative behavior outweighs the detrimental effect. For example, If you live in a particular area there is a more immediate benefit in belonging to a gang than there is going to school. It may even be a matter of survival.
Why don't we design a new economic system, based on all we know now? The benefits to society would be immense. All of the human capital that we currently just let go down the drain could be recovered.