I can appreciate that Psy might have wanted his video to point out the materialistic nature of whatever and whatever blah blah blah. Just like Rage Against the Machine likes to, well, rage against the machine. And a zillion other artists who make things popular to convey a message.
The problem is that no one cares. I wonder how many Koreans have sold their Gungnam apartments and renounced materialism because of the song? How many people's minds are actually changed by this kind of stuff? With the exception of impressionable children, I dearesay exceedingly few.
My point is that if you want to make legitimate points about popular society, then pop culture is NOT the way to do it.
(I excluded impressionable children because I realize there are a LOT of people who were influenced by RATM. But, how many of those people were in their late-20s or mid-30s with established ideals, and actually had thier minds "changed". Most were teenagers who listened to what was popular and followed what everyone else was doing. RATM preached that you should rail against people telling you what to do, while they were busy telling young people what to think. Awesome guitar riffs, though. Loved Morello.)