Okay, I've tabulated the results.
We sent out 500 flyers, 250 of the fairy tale, 250 of the conventional pizza flyer you see everywhere.
We got 42 flyers back. A crazy good number, considering some people may have seen them and not mentioned that's how they learned about the pizza. This suggests the market is ripe.
Of the 42 flyers, 25 were traditional, 17 were fairy tale.
Of the fairy tale flyers we got back, nearly half of the people mentioned how much they liked it, and how it was what brought them in. Of those people who mentioned they liked it so much, all of them were females over the age of 35.
Conclusion: The fairytale flyer wasn't as successful, but could be very, very effective if I did a campaign that focused exclusively on women in the area over 35. When doing campaigns that are not demographically targeted, the conventional flyer works better.
Thanks for all your input guys. In the past month we've sold over 350 pizzas, averaging 10 a day. That is pretty damned good for no real advertising. I have bought plans for a stone pizza oven and will be building one myself this winter, and expanding into pizza alot more next year. Thanks again.