by lil bit » Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:37 am
People vote UKip because they don't dare vote for the BNP, as they don't want to be seen as racist bigots. Which is exactly what they are, really.
Some of you tried to give me a lot of guff about people voting for UKip because they believe Britain would be better off economically out of the EU, but let's face it, it's mostly because they don't like the economic migrants from the former eastern bloc.
I've read the UKip manifesto and nobody can possibly take it seriously. It's mostly about deporting illegal immigrants, which , when they've finished abolishing all human rights laws and Acts , will be everyone who isn't white and British - inside if not outside.
'She couldn't help wondering what use Carl had for a double bed in his bachelor establishment' - Rafferty's Legacy -Jane Corrie