You want to have a point by point debate about why someone does or doesn't like a particular aspect of a particular movie? Why? Do you think anyone can be right or wrong about taste? Which is a matter or purely subjective preference and not objective truth?
I already praised lincoln. I said it was a good movie. There were a few thing I didn't like. I mentioned them. That's the beginning and end of my opinion of the film.
As to Spielberg...I think he's one of the greats, but his best is behind him. He's getting old. It happens. AI was terrible. The Lost World was terrible. Indiana Jones 4 was terrible. War Horse was terrible terrible terrible.
Go back to Jaws, Duel, Close encounters, Raiders, Schindlers List...there's your amazing director. Amistad. Saving Private Ryan. Look, he's still relevant.
Have you seen the Red Letter Media review of Indy 4? It brilliantly sums up why Spielberg has lost his edge.
He was always a better scifi director. He did things with the big ideas, which is what scifi is best at. He made movies magical, not to sound to corny. I will never forget Richard Dreyfus making a mountain out of his mashed potatoes and then tweaking out, only to end up with a music and lights show with space aliens at devils tower. Or kids riding flying bicycles.
When he does something like that again...something that will live on forever, he'll go back to being my favorite filmaker.