Oh. Well it's still a shit poll for reasons others have stated. And for those voters who had faulty voting machines, they might have an inkling of a legitimate gripe with the term "legitimately elected," they're lumped into the stupid category? Don't answer that question. All that doesn't matter. The poll's content is irrelevant. It could have very well said:
"Do you think Obama was legitimately elected, or do you think he stole the election with the help of the Builderburg group?" And the headline would have been "REPUBLICANS BELIEVE IN THE BUILDERBURG GROUP" which is entirely untrue. What is true is that some Republicans are really, really, dumb, prejudice, and ignorant. But you don't need a poll worded so contortedly to prove it.
The poll is crap. If you want to prove Republicans are inbred mouth-breathers, there are far easier and more honest ways to do it.