by Hyperion » Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:45 pm
It really grinds my gears to hear all of this BS being spouted out of two sides of the mouth by feminists. For example, on the subject of rape, there's a huge push for men to take responsibility over the actions of male rapists. We had a local college feminist group go around blaming men for not stopping rape. They tried to harass my friends because they refused to sign something that pledged their allegiance to fighting rape. My friends didn't sign the pledge 1.) because they don't affiliate with feminism and 2.) because they rightfully don't view themselves as part of the problem. In fact, I know for a fact one of my friends who was being hassled by this group was a rape victim (to a woman) when he was a minor. This message promotes the very same image of women as weaklings who need the help of men. 21st feminism has no real new battles to confront and is slowly awakening to the realization these masculinist movements have more relevance.