by John Galt » Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:31 pm
i think there is a difference between using colorful language and using swear words to attack a person
there's some i never say, but i use f**k all the f**k time. i don't think it's wrong to use it. if i am okay with seeing swear words, why shouldn't i be able to? i think it's a good change to be able to turn it off.
if the contention is "whoopie" is better than "@$%!" because it takes away from reading the post, the same can be true if you're attempting to read it with "whoopie".
f**k the f**k f**k
what did i just say?
i used a verb an adjective and a noun
you don't know that, i could have just said verb the noun noun
i think it's annoying as f**k to see the filter. i'd prefer not to, and i think many others would as well. if you're dead set on having filters, i think a user option (which from what i think is baseline available functionality) would be a good thing
i'm saying ti's a user option to see other people's swears. you could swear and if the filter is on another person would still see it filtered. but they could swear, they would see it filtered, but if you had your option to not see it you would see what they actually wrote. i think the link i provided might be confusing because the person was asking for ability for certain users to swear without filters globally. i agree that's dumb and not what im asking for
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