by G5000 » Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:54 pm
If belonging to a union is a superior form of employment, then people will join the unions without being forced to do so.
The fact the unions feel laborers should be forced to join their organization smacks of flop sweat.
You are not given a choice of unions to join in a closed shop. There is only one, and you must join. This is not freedom of contract by any stretch of the imagination. This is extortion, plain and simple. And now it has been outlawed in Michigan. Good.
I will tell you the real reason the unions are angry.
In the hi-tech industry, you won't find many unions, if any. And the hi-tech industry is the safest and best paid sector, after the financial services industry (which is also non-unionized).
There are more hi-tech jobs than there are people qualified to do them.
But for the low-skills jobs there are more workers than there are jobs. So the union laborers are seeking protectionist measures to stifle the competition for those jobs, and a closed shop is one of the crudest methods used to that end.
Right to work laws level the playing field for those jobs.
Instead of bitching about it, they should be waking up to the fact the days of growing up to work in your daddy's factory are over. The low skilled jobs need to be sent overseas to developing nations where they belong, and we need to be training our workforce for the high skilled jobs of tomorrow.
Silicon Valley has figured this out. The sooner labor and teacher unions figure this out, the better our future will be.
We have so many people who can't see a fat man standing beside a thin one without coming to the conclusion the fat man got that way by taking advantage of the thin one. - Ronald Reagan