Ok so, here's my follow up to me crapping on the GOP. It may surprise Comrade to know but I'm currently and comfortably a member of the Democratic Party. I find that I agree with them on most local issues and think they've been doing a pretty good job running my state. As a group they seem to more open to moderates, especially on fiscal and administrative issues. BUT SOME STUFF ABOUT THEM IRRITATES THE f**k OUTTA ME....here's a very short list:
1. They Hate Me
Not all Democrats mind you, but a good chunk of them, especially the Ole'guard and especially the college town types hate me because of who I am. Who am I? A middle-class white male who doesn't own an organic farm or as they would call me...a privileged member of the oppressor class. I've ran into these types quite a lot in college and every-once in awhile at my office. These are the Dems that Republicans love, the ones who want to tear down the oppressive white male hegemony and replace it with a progressive multicultural paradise. We all know who these people are...they are completely clueless, very loud, and entirely too common among the Democratic establishment...although they have absolutley no say in any significant party policies...which brings me to my second point.
2. They are literally sleeping with the plutocrats
Remember when Chelsea Clinton got married? Remember who she married? not a rugged environmental activist. not a patient community organizer. not a plucky public defender. nope...she married some douche bag who worked for GoldmanSachs. At least the Republicans pick no bones about the fact that they think the Wallstreet Guys are better than everyone else...the Dems pretend to be on our side, and are completely full of shit about that. The only advantage they seem to have over the Republicans in this regard is that they seem to want to let the Plutocrats hammer us a little less than the Republicans...kinda like the Frat Boy who says "I don't know about this guys" to his other Frat Brothers when faced with a passed-out coed.
3. They aren't willing to have an honest conversation about taxes
I'll keep this one short...but if you think the highest income tax bracket should be set at households making 250K you: 1. aren't taking this seriously (Republicans) or 2. You're not being honest (Dems). I figure this relates back to point number 2...the Dems are playing this 250K slight of hand to protect their buddies making 25 million a year..."I know, lets put George Soros in the same tax boat as a household with a Cop and a Assistant Principal.". If they were honest we'd be talking about million and five million dollar brackets, you know, like they had in the 1930s.
I give the Dems this much though...they are timeless. While the Republicans have quickl ybeen morphing into the second coming of the Templars the Dems have stayed much the same...as can be seen by the fact that Mayor Quimby would have been an apt caricature of them in the 1860s, 1920s, 1960s, 1990s, and today.